Aspire Global Makes Another Stride in UK with Metropolitan Gaming

The NeoGames subsidiary will now power the new digital offering for the land-based UK operator group, which has made a shift toward online gaming options.

Aspire Global will deploy its dedicated proprietary online solution, and offer Metropolitan access to a state-of-the-art platform managed services and casino aggregation solution.

Kickstarting Metropolitan Gaming’s Digital Offer in the UK

Aspire Global managing director Antoine Bonello welcomed this opportunity and noted that the company is happy to assist Metropolitan Gaming with its transition towards the digital space. Bonello noted that there was a worldwide trend where land-based operators were finally exploring ways to also become of the digital makeup of the gambling industry. He noted:

Metropolitan Gaming sought a partner that was able to offer an advanced technology-based solution that included all gaming verticals, along with Managed Services, and we are delighted to have been selected.

Aspire Global managing director Antoine Bonello

Bonello stressed the importance of having the right technical partner to make this transition and give a land-based brand’s first forays into the digital market their best chance. Metropolitan Gaming CEO Michael Silberling was similarly pleased with this opportunity, noting that the entire brand saw “Great opportunities” in transitioning into a multi-channel operator. He hailed Aspire Global as the right company to help Metropolitan with this process and said:

Aspire Global’s track record as a platform provider in the UK, covering all verticals with class leading content, was impressive and we are delighted to have partnered with them to make this important step.

Metropolitan Gaming CEO Michael Silberling

Metropolitan’s land-based footprint is well-established in the United Kingdom with the company owning prominent properties, including the Empire Casino located in Leicester Square. Aspire Global will help the Metropolitan brand translate its retail expertise into a fully-fledged and distinct online gaming experience.

Aspire will further assist with navigating the evolving and changing regulatory landscape in the United Kingdom. Through this new omnichannel experience, Metropolitan is confident that its clients and players will enjoy a better and more fulfilling experience.

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